Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sir Kitty Painting -- Still in Process

I just restarted this painting again yesterday. This is why I like to finish paintings in the time period when I begin them. My energy and painting style changes over time.

I have been through six months of life experience, painting other paintings, and looking at other people's art. This changes the energetics of painting.

I'm not sure if I have killed this painting at this point (top photo).

As you can see I have toned down the foreground color. I repainted the two mountains on the left and toned down the orange mountain in the mid-ground on the left. And I painted Sir Kitty over with black, since he is a black cat. I took the path away underneath Sir Kitty in favor of making the entire foreground his playground.

From looking at these two paintings on the screen now, it appears that the current version of this painting places the emphasis on Sir Kitty and kind of holds the eye there. I think I should paint the path back in.

I will keep painting and hopefully resolve this painting without totally changing its dynamics, which I most likely have already done.

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