I love this definition from "Seth's Blog"
Making art
My definition of art contains three elements:
1. Art is made by a human being.
2. Art is created to have an impact, to change someone else.
3. Art is a gift. You can sell the souvenir, the canvas, the recording... but the idea itself is free, and the generosity is a critical part of making art.
By my definition, most art has nothing to do with oil paint or marble. Art is what we we're doing when we do our best work.
Subscribe to Seth's Blog
Here you will read my art notes where I share latest paintings and musings. I welcome your comments. Published Mondays by 7 pm (Mountain Std Time), typically at 5:30 pm MST. Send Mail
Monday, January 25, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
Social Networking -- Great Article!

I ran across this article to share on the top 7 social networking sites for your business:
It's always good to narrow the choices when online.
IMAGE: Painting by Mary Gravelle, Of the Sea, acrylic on cardboard, 8" x 10", framed, $265.00. To inquire, Email: info@marysfineart.com or Phone: (575) 956-7315.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Sir Kitty at Home -- Process 5
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
I wish for ....
I'm following Jamie Ridler Studios Wishcasting Wednesday. This is my first wish.
I wish to sell three (3) of my paintings this month, January 2010. They are hanging at Tatiana Maria Gallery here in Silver City, New Mexico. I would prefer to sell Summer's Song, Paradise, and Magical. Any three (3) will do, however. ;-)
Summer's Song:


I wish to sell three (3) of my paintings this month, January 2010. They are hanging at Tatiana Maria Gallery here in Silver City, New Mexico. I would prefer to sell Summer's Song, Paradise, and Magical. Any three (3) will do, however. ;-)
Summer's Song:

5 Large Life Lessons of 2009 from Christine Kane

As an artist and business owner, I found some good info in this article that I have copied from Christine Kane's blog. Info on her blog is at the end of the article. Enjoy!
5 Large Life Lessons of 2009
by Christine Kane
I keep hearing people complain about 2009. "Good riddance!" they shout.
I loved 2009. I loved it as much for its challenges as its successes. In fact, I believe that the tumults we've faced as a global community are forcing us all off auto-pilot and into a place of deeper Creativity.
As a creative entrepreneur, I had my share of power-packed lessons this year, and I am excited to continue learning from them! There's no need to live in fear. As Einstein said: "The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or a hostile universe."
Here are my 5 favorite lessons of 2009:
1 - Our Growth is Often Proportional to Our Investment.
This lesson is one of the gifts of owning your own business - though it sure doesn't seem like a gift at first!
The employee mindset goes like this: "Hey, when the company pays for it, I'll do it."
These past two years, I've invested more in my education and coaching than ever before. Yet again, I had to move past the "employee mindset" and plunk down my own moolah. Not only did I step up and play a bigger game, (When our cash is involved - we gotta show up, right?!) but my income skyrocketed.
2 - Clarity Trumps Practicality.
Last March, I had the idea of putting on a big event later in the year.
I said something like this to my coach: "I just don't know if this idea is practical, given the economy."
Sheri gave me that look that coaches give clients when the client has just stepped into the Land of Crappy Thinking. She said, "I don't care if it's practical. I care if you're clear that you want to do it."
I got clear. I did it. It was great. (Yes, even in this economy!)
Clarity trumps practicality. When someone is clear, and they take action from that place of clarity – then practicality has no choice but to move aside and let manifestation occur.
3 - Systems Are Sizzlin'.
I've always been great at "winging it." I'm creative. I'm intuitive. I take action.
The only problem when you're good at winging it is that you often live in chaos, and you tend to see everything on your to-do list as urgent. After a while, this leads to burn out.
Systems require that you step back and look at your daily activities with deep reflection. Systems require that you ask: "How does this work? How can we make it more effective?" Systems allow you to step away from your work, take vacations, have weekends – and most blessedly, have lots of free space in your mind for creativity to bloom.
4 - Ignoring your Business and Marketing Doesn't Make You Humble. (It makes you fail.)
I was a big fan of the statement: "Do what you love, and the money will follow." It's a beautiful philosophy. And true on so many levels.
But I used it as a way to ignore the business side of my work. After all, hey, if the money will follow - then I don't ever have to deal with it, right?
Uh, wrong.
I've since learned that avoidance is not a game plan. Neither is hope.
Even though I was busy in my business this year, I experienced a deeper peace than ever before because I understand how run my business and marketing. In the same way that Creativity and Songwriting taught me so much at the beginning of my career – facing my business and being brave enough to market my work has taken that learning to a higher level than I ever imagined.
5 - Serve. Or Be a Servant. The Choice is Yours.
You serve others with your attention, your intention, your health, your clarity, your awareness, and your power.
You serve others by charging what you're worth, taking care of your health, honoring your time so that you're not distracted or multi-tasking, by making requests rather than complaining, and by taking full responsibility for your thoughts and actions.
When you're a servant, however, you're a slave to the ego, which wants you to believe that serving others means ignoring yourself. After all, the ego would prefer that you remain powerless, fearful, and unaware. That way, it keeps you tethered to the idea of "security." When you don't understand power (or service), you need security for survival. The ego is great at security.
The difference may seem subtle. But the power of this lesson has been staggering.
Please do! Just be sure to include this complete blurb with it:
Performer, songwriter, and creativity consultant Christine Kane publishes her 'LiveCreative' weekly ezine with more than 11,000 subscribers. If you want to be the artist of your life and create authentic and lasting success, you can sign up for a FRE*E subscription to LiveCreative at www.christinekane.com.
Number 6: High-Minded, mixed media on wood panel, 24" x 24", by Mary A. Gravelle. You may purchase this framed original painting for the price is $1,100. Contact Mary at info@marysfineart.com or call her at (575) 956-7315.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
New Mary's Fine Art Logo - 2
Monday, January 4, 2010
Search for the Local Artist

Becoming famous in your own backyard... the local artist is often ignored in their own towns. Here is a great article for breaking through the barrier.
Local Search for the Local Artist: Grow Where you are Planted
Shown here: "Bird Woman" by Mary A. Gravelle, mixed media on canvas board, $475.00 framed. Contact Mary to purchase: (575) 956-7315 or info@marysfineart.com
Saturday, January 2, 2010
New Mary's Fine Art Logo
Friday, January 1, 2010
Great Ideas for Jumpstarting 2010

Word for the Year from Christine Kane, download a free guide to discover your word for 2010.
Full Moon Dreamboards
Creative Every Day -- joined this blog today and will be participating in her creative challenge.
Great ideas have been shared about the best moves in their art career in 2009 in the ArtBiz blog. I'm using some of these in 2010.
I'll keep you posted if I find other valuable inspirations.
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