Left to Right: Red Subtlety on Yellow, Red Subtlety on Red and Red Subtlety on Purple |
Triptych Painting: Vibrant, Energetic Impact for Home or Office
For the interest of art lovers and art collectors, I will explain my process and theory behind this triptych.
This was the last in a series of triangle paintings. The idea behind this triptych was to see if I could "bury" the triangle.
If I paint over the triangle with enough layers, the triangle shape will disappear.
I began with painting each panel a different color for the background with the idea of being a graduated value from light to dark. The first panel was painted yellow; the second, red; and the last panel, purple. Then I used the same three colors on all panels for the top layers.
I made many stencils out of oaktag, which was leftover from my dress designing days. I drew various triangle sizes, differentiating them from solid to outlined. I then cut them out with an x-acto knife.
Vibrant and energetic impact to your home or office.
Paintings - Tryptych
Acrylic and Oil on Oak Panels
Each panel measures: 48L x 24W x 3D inches
Hung together with 6 inches apart, they measure:
48L x 84W x 3D inches
Silver City, New Mexico
I worked with all three panels laid down on a table surface, painting the same color on each panel as I progressed. I laid selected stencils on top of the panels and proceeded to paint thinned-down acrylic washes over the panels. With the thinned acrylic paint, I wanted the background color to show or shine through, thus giving me the graduated colors of panels with the final product. Where the stencils lay, it would leave its shape behind. I proceeded in this fashion alternating yellow, red, and purple layers over various stencils. I kept at it until I could barely recognize the triangle shape as part of the composition.
At the end of the process, I realized that it was next to impossible to entirely "bury" the triangle. It is a part of me as it is part of the infinite.
Red Subtlety on Yellow |
Red Subtlety on Red |
Red Subtlety on Purple |
These handsome panels are made of oak wood construction (my own construction), each panel measures 48 x 24 x 3 inches. Hanging them six inches apart, gives a full wall width of 84 inches x 48 inches tall x 3 inches deep.
The final painting result is a non-objective, monotone effect. They have a rich luster. They are painted with acrylic. I completed them with final oil glaze layer. They make a vibrant and energetic impact to your home or office.
Red Subtlety Triptych on Yellow, Red, Purple |
For inquiries, please contact me, Mary Rae, at MaryRaeStudios@gmail.com.
About the Author
Mary Rae Rush (Mary Gravelle) is an artist, author, and creativity catalyst and consultant. She resides in Sedona, Arizona with her loving and efficient assistant, Sir Kitty. Her other services are
Sedona Art Hikes,
Fluid Expressions Workshop for Empowerment,
Igniting Your Intentions, and
Wisdom Painting.
Contact her today with painting commissions, requests for creative work, consultations, or one on one coaching sessions. She is happy to paint something just for you. Or she can help you delve into your creativity and come out with your own unique expression.
Inquiries can be made via email to MaryRaeStudios@gmail.com.
And, as always, I would love to hear from you. Please leave a comment below.
My assistant, Sir Kitty |