Monday, January 5, 2015

The Most Beautiful Word in an Artist's Life: SOLD

Summer's Song, 36 x 60 x 1.5 inches
Acrylic on Canvas.
Copyright Mary Rush Gravelle.
Soon to be in private collection
in Oregon.
Prints available.
SOLD, as an artist, is one of the most beautiful words. I sold a painting yesterday. It gave me hope that 2015 has started out in a most auspicious and positive direction. What does the word, sold, conjure up for you?

The acrylic landscape painting that sold was Summer's Song, a scene from Silver City, New Mexico. It measures 36 x 60 x 1.5 inches with the painting continuing around the edges. The nature scene is one from a familiar and beloved hiking trail where the beauty of nature abounds with big southwestern sky, mountains, and desert flora.

The sale was a complete happy surprise, which seemed to arise from nowhere. I spend a lot of time learning marketing techniques, but I wonder if any of that knowledge actually made the sale for me. The couple that made the purchase are from out of state and I have never met them, let alone know them in any way, online or offline. They found the painting online and just had to have it as their holiday gift to themselves. They are super excited to hang it on a special wall they have reserved for a few special pieces. Needless to say, that makes me very happy!

Now, I have to hop in my car for a road trip to go pick up the painting six hours from where I now live. It's in storage where I used to live. It gives me a good excuse to visit some old friends of the human variety and rediscover my old painting friends that are hanging out in the storage unit.

Artists: How do you market your art? Do you find the word, sold, as lovely as I do?

Art Collectors: How do you find art that you just have to buy?

Until Next Week

Sir Kitty
Brianna Rush (Mary Rush Gravelle)
• Create art
• Appreciate art
• Buy art

About the author: Mary Rush Gravelle is an artist and writer who resides in Sedona, Arizona with her beloved cat, Sir Kitty.


  1. Congratulations! I have yet to sell any of my paintings and so the word 'sold' seems like a dream come true. (: May the rest of the year continue in such fashion for you!

    1. Thank you Holly! I believe the year will continue to unfold in "SOLD" fashion. I wish the same for you. :)
