Saturday, September 28, 2013

Most Viewed Prints This Week

Every week I get a report from my print online store to tell me which art works people are viewing, how many visitors, and where they came from.

Below is this past week's list:

Triangle as Light Source, 36 x 36 x 1 inches, Mixed-media . Copyright 2008 Mary Gravelle

1. Triangle as Light Source. Original is available. This is a very textured piece that can be best appreciated in person. Last visitor to look at the print was from Seattle, WA.

Magical, 36 x 48 x 3 inches, Acrylic on Wood. Copyright 2008 Mary Gravelle

2. Magical. Original is in artist's collection. Last visitor was from Seattle, WA.

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Until Next Week

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Mary Rush Gravelle is an artist who resides in Prescott, Arizona with her beloved cat, Sir Kitty. Find her work and daily comments on her facebook page. Her art can be seen on her website, She can be contacted via email at:

Monday, September 23, 2013

Blooming Painting Postcard for Marketing My Art

Postcards to Market My Art

As an artist, I think it is invaluable to send out postcards regarding my art. About a month ago, I sent a postcard out about my painting, Blooming. I sent it to my art collectors, potential new collectors, and a few select friends and family members.

I have not sent anything in the mail for a couple of years. I thought it was time to send out something tangible that people can look at and touch. If I'm lucky, they will love it and put it on their fridge or frame it and put it up somewhere in their homes or offices. And, if I'm really lucky, someone will actually purchase the original painting.

Combining efforts of newsletters, blogs, website, Facebook, and Twitter, along with snail mail, I am bound to cover my bases enough in order to keep my art in their awareness.

Do you think this approach will help in building my relationships with my current and future art collectors?

Do you have any other brilliant ideas for marketing art?

Contact Me

Until Next Week
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  • Buy art 
Mary Rush Gravelle is an artist who resides in Prescott, Arizona with her beloved cat, Sir Kitty. Find her work and daily comments on her facebook page. Her art can be seen on her website, She can be contacted via email at:

Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Artists Hand

Mountain Spirit Gallery, Prescott, Arizona
I recently walked into Mountain Spirit Gallery in my new home town of Prescott, Arizona. The owner and photographer is Ron Evans. His work drew me in.

I walked pass the gallery on my way to my car yesterday. But, something caught my eye. I decided to take a look. Wow. Impressive. His photographs line the walls. He carries other local artists' works in various media.

He has printed his works large scale on gallery-wrapped canvas. The colors are sharp and bold. I'm guessing that he has tweaked the colors in Photoshop. They are stunning to say the least. It was my first experience with photographs where I could feel the photographer's presence. What an extraordinary feeling.

As I looked at each one, I felt him walking the landscape with a discerning eye, looking to capture the perfect essence of the place. I cannot say enough about this experience with his photography. He has a special gift, I believe. Somehow, he manages to coax the viewer into experiencing the landscape on a level beyond most photography. I keep wondering how he does it.

I have often heard people say that they like to see the artist's hand in a painting. I never really knew why until now. In contrast, I have also heard that the artist should never be a part of the artwork as it now belongs to the viewer.

I think in the past, I have worked to keep my artist's hand out of the work. Currently, I think I am heading in the direction of leaving my imprint on the work somehow. You might be able to see me in my current phone art paintings. What do you think?
Sunny Disposition, 36 x 36 x 1.5 inches, Mixed-media on Canvas. Copyright 2013 Mary Rush Gravelle.
  1. Can you see my presence in my current paintings?
  2. Should the artist be 'seen' in the work of art somehow? Or is it better for the artist to keep themselves out of it? Is it even possible for an artist to stay out of the work?
  3. Have you ever had an experience like this with a work of art, whether it is photography or otherwise? Can you explain how it felt?
Check out Ron Evans amazing photography work on his website.

Until Next Week

  • Create art 
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  • Buy art 
Mary Rush Gravelle is an artist who resides in Prescott, Arizona with her beloved cat, Sir Kitty. Find her work and daily comments on her facebook page. Her art can be seen on her website, She can be contacted via email at:

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Moving on Down the Road to Prescott Arizona

I'm on the road right now, relocating to Prescott, Arizona. At least, that is the plan. That is where I am right now, in the Prescott Library with 17 minutes remaining.

I have made a full commitment to my art and writing. Tucson did not seem to be the right place for me in terms of furthering my art career. So, I packed up the car and Sir Kitty and hit the road for Prescott.

As I entered town on Tuesday evening, it was like watching a Frankenstein movie. A valley was visible, forming a V in the center of two mountains with the road going right between them. A storm was brewing with big gray clouds. I was a little frightened. That's where I'm headed? Blue skies where I am right now, just before the entry. Lightning bolts from both sides of the V... Whoa!

I entered as I continued on my road path. A flash flood made it impossible to hear the friendly GPS woman announcing where to turn. It was raining so hard, I could not see. Sir Kitty planted himself behind my back between me and the seat, hunching me toward the steering wheel. Then, my phone, along with my beloved GPS, died.

So, there I was, not a clue as to where I was. All I knew was that I had arrived at my new destination of Prescott, Arizona. I had never even visited the place before. I drove around and around, trying to get my bearings from whence I came. Then, I passed the cutest downtown with the town square.

As the rain dissipated, I looked up and was totally amazed. There a full double rainbow hugging my new town. This was no ordinary rainbow. It was the brightest rainbow I have ever seen. And it lasted forever.

So, my art supplies are still in Tucson. I'm looking for a place to live. I'm scouting the area. I'm trusting that Prescott will prosper me.

Until Next Week

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  • Buy art 
Mary Rush Gravelle is an artist who resides in Tucson, Arizona with her beloved cat, Sir Kitty. Her art can be seen on her website, She can be contacted via email at: