Monday, March 26, 2012

Ramblings on My Art

Networking, Studio Photography.
©2012 Mary A. Gravelle
Today I would like to just talk about my art and what is happening. A lot is happening in my art; although, it is not quickly apparent to me.

I have only done one painting in an entire year. That blows my mind since painting has always been so important to me and my sanity. Maybe that's why I feel not quite so myself these days. I don't know.

On the other hand, attending school for the past couple of years has taken me into new directions with my art. These directions, I hope, will settle pretty soon into my own new art expression.

Working with clay has been totally enjoyable as you can see from my silent YouTube portfolio below. I have really been enjoying making functional ware this semester and last. I have hand built a few plates now that I actually use for eating. That brings a certain level of satisfaction to me.

Photography is another new expression for my art. I'm in Photo 3 right now and I'm learning that photography can be so much more than simply shooting at something. It can be real art that takes thinking beyond getting the shot. As in all great art, it is the idea behind the art that matters. 

One Small Act: A Christo Moment, Performance documented
with photography. ©2012 Mary A. Gravelle
This piece was juried into the 2012 WNMU Student Show.
One of my photos has been juried into the WNMU (Western New Mexico University) 2012 Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition at McCray Gallery. The show goes from March 30-May 11. The Opening reception is Friday, March 30, 4:30-7pm. That is exciting. If you are in Silver City, please stop by!

In both of these new-media-to-me, I see all kinds of potential. There are so many things to explore in each of these media. I could be very busy with just one of them.

So, I wonder if I will ever paint again. I wonder if painting will be as important to the health of my psyche as it has been in the past.

And what about you? What are your thoughts on your art? If you are not an artist, what are your thoughts on art and artists?

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